Despues de instalar nxmachine no todo ha sido coser y cantar hemos tenido algunos problemillas con faciles soluciones


Las nuevas versiones de NX solo permiten la conexion si tienes importada la clave server del RSA para ello debemos generarla.

Sacamos nuestra version de Nx



[root@syswoody~]# rpm -qa |grep nx

[root@Syswoody ~]# rpm -qa |grep nxnxserver-3.5.0-9.i386nxclient-3.5.0-7.i386nxnode-3.5.0-7.i386


Ahora sacamos el listado de todos los paquetes con rpm -qil 


[root@Syswoody ~]# rpm -qil nxserver-3.5.0-9.i386

Name        : nxserver                     Relocations: (not relocatable)

Version     : 3.5.0                             Vendor: NoMachine

Release     : 9                             Build Date: mar 18 oct 2011 14:43:32 CEST

Install Date: sáb 23 jul 2011 10:52:17 CEST      Build Host:

Group       : NoMachine NX                  Source RPM: nxserver-3.5.0-9.src.rpm

Size        : 25857544                         License: NoMachine License

Signature   : (none)

Packager    : NoMachine

URL         :

Summary     : NX Free Edition

Description :


NoMachine NX is a fast and scalable terminal server system based on the

X11 protocol. NX lets you work fluently even across slow links like modems

and provides a full set of administration tools that make it a complete

desktop virtualization solution for your organization.


This package contains the NX Server software.




nxnode: 3.5.0-7

nxstat: 3.5.0-1


This package requires the installation of a compatible version of the NX

client and NX node software.




Una vez indentificado generamos nuestra clave RSA para lo cual recibiremos un error
[root@Syswoody .ssh]# /usr/NX/scripts/setup/nxserver –keygen
NX> 704 Starting: server-keygen operation at: lun jul 25 09:52:28 2011.
NX> 704 Generating new ssh-keys. Please wait.
NX> 704 ERROR: Cannot generate SSH keys for NX Server authentication.
NX> 704 Error is: open /usr/NX/home/nx/.ssh/new.id_dsa failed: Permission denied.
Saving the key failed: /usr/NX/home/nx/.ssh/new.id_dsa..

Debemos deshabiltar nuestro SeLinux para poder generar nuestra clave
[root@Syswoody .ssh]# setenforce 0
Lo intentamos de nuevo y OK
[root@Syswoody .ssh]# /usr/NX/scripts/setup/nxserver –keygen
NX> 704 Starting: server-keygen operation at: lun jul 25 09:53:26 2011.
NX> 704 Generating new ssh-keys. Please wait.
NX> 704 Keys generated correctly. Backing up files.
NX> 704 Back up of keys made. Updating files.
NX> 704 Keys updated. NX clients should now use key:
NX> 704 /usr/NX/share/keys/default.id_dsa.key
NX> 704 to get connected to this NX server.

Ya tenemos la clave le hago un cat sobre el fichero   /usr/NX/share/keys/default.id_dsa.key copio el contenido y lo añado dentro del campo key de las opciones de nomachine en el cliente.
Ahora al lanzar la conexion falla y me manda al messages.log donde nos muestra algo como esto.
Jul 25 09:58:03 Syswoody NXSERVER-3.5.0-9[26590]: ERROR: (exception id 37CA9ADC) NX> 596 stdout: Using authority fi            le /home/tecno/.nx/C-Syswoody-1003-D908291457238F3E385CE9E32CA7F80E/authority
Jul 25 09:58:03 Syswoody NXSERVER-3.5.0-9[26590]: ERROR: (exception id 37CA9ADC) NX> 596 Writing authority file /home/tecno/.nx/C-Syswoody-1003-D908291457238F3E385CE9E32CA7F80E/authority
Jul 25 09:58:03 Syswoody NXSERVER-3.5.0-9[26590]: ERROR: (exception id 37CA9ADC) NX> 596 stderr: /usr/bin/xauth:  creating new authority file /home/tecno/.nx/C-Syswoody-1003-D908291457238F3E385CE9E32CA7F80E/authority
Jul 25 09:58:03 Syswoody NXSERVER-3.5.0-9[26590]: ERROR: (exception id 37CA9ADC) NX> 596 /usr/bin/xauth: /home/tecno/.nx/C-Syswoody-1003-D908291457238F3E385CE9E32CA7F80E/scripts/authority:3:  bad display name «Syswoody:1003» in «add» command
Jul 25 09:58:03 Syswoody NXSERVER-3.5.0-9[26590]: ERROR: (exception id 37CA9ADC) NX> 596 init: stdin arguments: user=tecno,userip=192%2e168%2e0%2e87,uniqueid=D908291457238F3E385CE9E32CA7F80E,display=1003,node_number=0,server_name=Syswoody,license=%28None%29,subscriptionid=None,productid=LFE,reconnect=1,balance_host=192%2e168%2e0%2e85,encryption_mode=3,connection=local,images=64M,cache=16M,client=winnt,media=0,backingstore=1,encryption=1,strict=0,clipboard=both,shpix=1,rootless=0,composite=1,session=SyswoodyAP,shmem=1,type=unix%2dgnome,virtualdesktop=1,screeninfo=1914x1052x32%2brender,keyboard=pc102%2fes,geometry=1914×1052,link=adsl
Jul 25 09:58:03 Syswoody NXSERVER-3.5.0-9[26590]: ERROR: (exception id 37CA9ADC) NXNodeExec::exec(‘startsession’, ‘user=tecno&userip=192%2e168%2e0%2e87&uniqueid=D908291457238F3E38…’, ‘localhost’, 22) called at handlers/ line 3582
Jul 25 09:58:03 Syswoody NXSERVER-3.5.0-9[26590]: ERROR: (exception id 37CA9ADC) NXShell::handler_session_start(‘–link=»adsl» –backingstore=»1″ –encryption=»1″ –cache=»16M» …’) called at line 373
Jul 25 09:58:03 Syswoody NXSERVER-3.5.0-9[26590]: ERROR: (exception id 37CA9ADC) NXShell::handle_command(‘startsession’, ‘–link=»adsl» –backingstore=»1″ –encryption=»1″ –cache=»16M» …’) called at line 145
Jul 25 09:58:03 Syswoody NXSERVER-3.5.0-9[26590]: ERROR: (exception id 37CA9ADC) NXShell::run() called at line 4497
Jul 25 09:58:03 Syswoody NXSERVER-3.5.0-9[26590]: ERROR: (exception id 37CA9ADC) eval {…} called at line 4456

Solucion añade el nombre de tu servidor al fichero hosts y listo ya conecta a las mil maravillas.


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